Cartoon Network's Monster Beach (48'x11) follows the frightfully funny adventures of surf-siblings Jan and Dean. Enjoying an endless summer vacation, they have a monster good time on the island of Iki-Iki hanging out with their laid-back uncle and a bunch of mischievous, thrill-seeking monsters. Together with their new fiendish friends, they cruise around in hopped-up hot-rods, unravel mysteries of a local surf legend and prevent the bad guys from ruining their fun. Monster Beach is much more fun than your typical tropical getaway. After all, life's a real adventure when your friends are misfit monsters. Written by Cartoon Network APAC
Resim | Sezon Sırası | Toplam Sırası | İngilizce İsim | Türkçe İsim | Yönetmen | Yazar |
1 | 1 | Widget Loses her Head | Widget Loses her Head | Sean ZwanPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Matthew Wilson(story by)Sean Zwan | |
2 | 2 | Lagoon Goons | Lagoon Goons | Sean ZwanPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Jessica Hopcraft | |
3 | 3 | Termite Nation | Termite Nation | Roberto FinoPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Shane ArmstrongMartin Cormier(story by)S.P. Krause | |
4 | 4 | Ghoul Vibrations | Ghoul Vibrations | Sean ZwanPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | John Behnke(story by)Sean Zwan | |
5 | 5 | Striking Bad | Aşırı Fena | Maik HempelPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | John BehnkeMaik HempelJessica Hopcraft(story by) | |
6 | 6 | It Cone from Outer Space | It Cone from Outer Space | Sean ZwanPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | John BehnkeSean Zwan | |
7 | 7 | Tiki'D Off | Tiki'D Off | Sean ZwanPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Patrick Crawley(story by)Brady KlostermanMatthew Wilson(story by) | |
8 | 8 | Knutty and Nice | Knutty and Nice | Maik HempelPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Brady Klosterman | |
9 | 9 | Next To Dogliness | Next To Dogliness | Patrick Crawley(supervising director) | Kazumi EvansBill Newton | |
10 | 10 | Doommates | Doommates | Maik HempelPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Maik HempelJohn Loy | |
11 | 11 | Gone Wishin | Dilek Zamanı | Sean ZwanPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Scott EdgarBrian Swenlin(story by) | |
12 | 12 | High Seas Hign Jinx | High Seas Hign Jinx | Michael J. HarrisPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Matthew Wilson | |
13 | 13 | I Lava To Surf | I Lava To Surf | Roberto FinoMaik HempelPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Lorin Clarke | |
14 | 14 | Dr. BFF | Dr. BFF | Patrick Crawley(supervising director) | Patrick Crawley(supervising director) | |
15 | 15 | Treasure Hunters | Treasure Hunters | Maik HempelPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Jessica Hopcraft | |
16 | 16 | Euro So Talented | Euro So Talented | Patrick Crawley(supervising director) | Jessica Hopcraft | |
17 | 17 | Knutt Drops In | Knutt Drops In | Maik HempelPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Matthew Wilson | |
18 | 18 | Frights, Camera Action! | Frights, Camera Action! | Patrick CrawleySean Zwan | John BehnkeSean Zwan | |
19 | 19 | Swampy Thing | Swampy Thing | Maik HempelPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Michael Drake | |
20 | 20 | 3 Monsters and a Tiki | 3 Monsters and a Tiki | Patrick Crawley(supervising director) | Patrick Crawley(supervising director) | |
21 | 21 | Bored Games | Bored Games | Patrick Crawley(supervising director) | Patrick Crawley(supervising director) | |
22 | 22 | Jailhouse Mutt | Jailhouse Mutt | Maik HempelPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Maik HempelPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | |
23 | 23 | Where Wolf?! | Where Wolf?! | Patrick Crawley(supervising director) | Patrick Crawley(supervising director) | |
25 | 25 | Micromonsters | Micromonsters | Christien CleggMaik HempelPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Raffaella Delle Donne | |
26 | 26 | Teddles Teddy | Teddles Teddy | David FollettPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Amy Wolfram | |
27 | 27 | Boo Plate Special | Boo Plate Special | Christien CleggMaik HempelPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | John Behnke | |
28 | 28 | Talk To the hand | Talk To the hand | Christien CleggMartin CormierPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | James Hamilton | |
29 | 29 | Pet Rocked | Pet Rocked | Christien CleggMartin CormierPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Michael DrakeKatrina Mathers | |
30 | 30 | Butter-Knutt Squash | Butter-Knutt Squash | Christien CleggSean ZwanPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | James Hamilton | |
31 | 31 | Fan Service | Fan Service | Christien CleggMartin CormierPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Patrick CrawleyMichael DrakePaul Nicholson | |
32 | 32 | Monster Wrestling | Monster Wrestling | Christien CleggSean ZwanPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Michael Drake | |
33 | 33 | Mayor May Not | Mayor May Not | Christien CleggPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Howard James FyvieAndrew John Phillips | |
34 | 34 | Whale of a Problem | Whale of a Problem | Christien CleggPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Shayne ArmstrongS.P. Krause | |
35 | 35 | You've Been Served | Servislendin | Christien CleggPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Michael DrakeBrady Klosterman | |
36 | 36 | Daredevil May Careful | Daredevil May Careful | Christien CleggPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Scott EdgarHoward James FyvieAndrew John Phillips | |
37 | 37 | Madges Mug | Madges Mug | Christien CleggPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Jack Bernhardt | |
38 | 38 | Monster Makeover | Monster Makeover | Christien CleggPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Raffaella Delle DonneMichael Drake | |
39 | 39 | Lost and Found Patrol | Lost and Found Patrol | Kelly LynaghPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Martin Cormier(story by)Brian Swenlin | |
40 | 40 | Surf Power | Surf Power | Patrick Crawley(supervising director) | Patrick Crawley(supervising director) | |
42 | 42 | Monster Nerd Out | Monster Nerd Out | Neil SalmonPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Scott Edgar | |
43 | 43 | Murmurmen Boys | Murmurmen Boys | Christien CleggPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Michael Drake | |
44 | 44 | The Back Nine | The Back Nine | Christien CleggPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Shayne ArmstrongMartin CormierS.P. Krause | |
45 | 45 | Rain Damage | Rain Damage | Roberto FinoPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Patrick CrawleyAmy Wolfram | |
46 | 46 | Monster Safari | Monster Safari | Christien CleggPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Lorin ClarkeMichael Drake | |
47 | 47 | Invisible Manny | Invisible Manny | Christien CleggPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Brian Swenlin | |
48 | 48 | Brain Thaw | Brain Thaw | Christien CleggPatrick Crawley(supervising director) | Scott Edgar |